- Version 1.7
- Download 831
- File Size 10 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date November 10, 2023
- Last Updated November 10, 2023
Measure Map
Estimating ocean level ascent because of the great speed region
While estimating distances with a guide, pointers will show up on each mark of the guide. The more exact the number bars, the more precise the distance computation. You can save it depending on the situation and offer it with other applications with a code number.
Guide and region can be determined and shown in sections of land. You can obtain more precise outcomes via cautiously putting the number plate on the corners where you are estimating.
It estimates guides and paces in kilometers.
With a guide, you can stamp the course as you travel and compute distances. You can likewise save it for later survey. Mate, You can likewise share applications with companions by code number.
The ocean level can be estimated on a guide and communicated in feet. You can save it depending on the situation and offer it with other applications with a code number.
What's going on in the Most recent Rendition 1.7
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