- Version 2.9
- Download 169
- File Size 24 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date July 21, 2023
- Last Updated July 21, 2023
Puffin Browser Pro
Puffin Cloud Program isn't an internet browser.
Puffin Cloud Program is the client application that gets to the cloud server which runs the internet browser. The Puffin client application and the Puffin cloud server don't convey in HTTP convention and the information trade isn't in HTML design. The Puffin client application resembles the far off work area client and the Puffin cloud server resembles the far off work area server. Puffin Cloud Program provides the crowd with the deception of an internet browser yet it isn't, truly, an internet browser. Puffin Cloud Program can "show" the web content delivered on the cloud servers yet can't "render" the web content itself on the client gadgets.
==== Separating Highlights ====
* Program Separation
* Cloud Speed increase
* Information Saving
* Download to Cloud
* Streak Game
* Full Work area Mode
* Web Access Insurance
* Virtual Gamepad/Mouse/Trackpad
==== Significant Impediments ====
* Just deals with sites that are openly available from the US
-- Doesn't work for private IP, corporate Intranet, and geo-confined sites
* Just works in nations that are not extreme in oversight
-- Doesn't work in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and
Joined Middle Easterner Emirates
* For certain sites, Puffin server IP blocks should be white-recorded
-- Puffin can carry an unnecessary burden to certain sites